Hi, I’m Immaculata, an artist and researcher thinking about the Nigerian left, healing and the power of the humanities.

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I’m currently working on a research project on social healing- how different identity groups in Africa are looking for what to say so we can stay in this car together (Claudia Rankine). Sometimes, unrecoverable silences are created and other times necessary silences take up space. (Depelchin, 17). Some other times, one has to give up (Adam Phillips) on that particular car ride and instead, call a friend/family/taxi or take the sidewalk. We are not all going the same place.

I’m studying Ayi Kwei Armah’s
The Healers for its thesis on healing and liberation and Jacques Depelchin’s essays for his exploration of the link between history-making, historical knowledge and collective freedom. 
- April 2024

portfolio highlights:

The Fire in My Memory, winner of 2023 Abebi Award in Afro-Nonfiction

Whom Did He Love?,  The Brooklyn Rail 
You Matter to Me,
short film (Rising Star award, S16 film festival 2023)
In the Dark in Nigeria, Popula
what poor electricity does to our minds

Face the Music, Wuruwuru/ Wax Poetics 
on re-constructed Nigerian identities in 1970s album covers

Copyright:  Immaculata Abba (2017 - 2024)
Web design: Immaculata Abba